HTML files are the backbone of your website structure. With HTML, a website delivers the content by descriptively providing information and guidance to navigate your site. Through various code elements and attributes, any pertinent information to share with your users can be shared in a format that is easier to understand to visitors. There is a library of information here for everything HTML and is a valuable reference and guide for future assignments and beyond.
CSS files in web design give a website style and layout. Altering various fonts, colors, sizes, or adding animation, audio, video, or other media to entice users into visiting your site. CSS is critical for a website to provide various formats for different device screens, when using mobile, tablet, and desktop. There is a pleuthora of information concerning the use of CSS for displaying the content of your site. Along with HTML, CSS gives the structure of your website meaning and to invoke pleasant feelings and emotions to the user. Truly another great source of CSS information and reference for future projects.
The W3C regulates and oversees the world wide web thru a consortium of web developers all around the world. The standards, measures, and protocol of the web are followed by any reputable web developers as a duty and responsibility. The W3C is an open-source .org site and is a viable resource for knowledge pertaining anything WWW. Tutorials, lessons for practice, glossarys, and complete lists of html tags and css properties to use as a reference of purpose and use.
Trusted sources of programming will aid in the development of your websites. Code developed by known web developers and documented through trusted reviews as being safe to download are the only sources to trust. The danger of using code that does not meet the criteria can ultimately lead to the white page of death. The proper combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript will help guide you to a much speedier validation and the ultimate launch of your site. By using these languages separately, you can utilize one valid CSS file design with numerous other HTML files, keeping the same theme and flow on numerous pages in your site.