What is the site's URL?
Why is it your favorite?
I really enjoyed the easy to use layout, the organization, and the selection of all the designs from all over the world,
and it is loaded with CCS examples with some really cool designs. It would be fun to check out the code when I know more
of the language and how to use it.
Does the site's home page validate?
Not totally.
Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate?
No, but seems like minor issues and doesn't seem to slow down the site.
Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate.
There was 1 validation error and 54 warnings pertaining to duplicate attributes for the CCS validation.
There were 5 warning and no errors on one of the websites I chose at random, however, I don't recall which page it was.
How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?
10 - I really like this site as it has award winning designs, and maybe I could pick up some neat ideas and code when I am able to make sense out of it.
>How would you rate the site's usability on a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?
9 1/2 Well, I navigated it fairly easy, the menu icon on the top left opens up a larger menu to choose what page or section you would like to jump to.
It contains a lot of options to view different website designs and easy to find what you'd like to look at
Does the site meet its purpose?
Yes, I believe it is showing exactly what the site says in its address, awards for professionally designed web pages in CCS.