
MDN HTML references

MDN References - HTML

MDN-CSS references

MDN References - CSS

Review Summary

Mozilla Development Network has a site with invaluable resources available for use that are open source materials for web developers, and enthusiasts alike. There are numerous tutorials, plenty of examples, and easy to follow exercises that will keep you busy for some time. MDN is a great source of this kind of information, and will be a tool in my arsenal that I can use and get more familiar with through my coding career.

The lists of various tag selectors, attributes, and psuedo-classes, just to mention a few of them, will definitely come in handy as I learn how to navigate the site. The site has code examples and tutorials for html,css, and javascript, so if you want to refresh your memory, or would like to learn new methods, MDN is available to use. However, there is way too much to absorb at this stage in my coding experience, but I'm sure I will be checking in frequently to MDN.